
第117回 データサイエンスセミナー


開催場所:DSラーニングコモンズ(彦根城側)およびオンライン ※学外の方も参加可能

講演者:Prof. YASUI Yutaka (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA / University of Alberta, Canada)

題目:Data Science in Cancer Biomarker Research: Discovery and Responsibility

概要 :
Biotechnological advance promotes active new lines of research in biomedicine and promises new scientific discovery. In late 1990s, multiple, major biotechnological advancements were made that enabled “agnostic”, instead of “hypothesis driven”, biomedical research. The excitement and hopes/promises in the field were analogous to those brought by AI and Machine Learning today. Naturally, leading scientific/clinical journals published articles that reported findings from such cutting-edge research of the time, and funding agencies prioritized supporting those research projects. Data scientists from various backgrounds started being engaged in this new line of research, tackling a wide range of informatic and analytic issues. Two major challenges brought to data scientists by these developments were: 1) methodological challenges for discovering disease-associated patterns in large biological data; and 2) fulfilling responsibility for research rigor in evaluating data and presenting evidence unbiasedly, against strong desire and pressure for making new discoveries that are associated with obtaining funding, publishing in top journals, and having high clinical/public health impact. In this talk, I will take a few examples from cancer biomarker discovery and discuss the roles and responsibilities of data scientists in biomedical research.

※ 講演言語について、スライドは英語、口頭は日本語です。

