周暁康准教授、滋賀大学客員研究員のQiuhong Sun氏(Hebei University of Science and Technology 准教授)がIEEE ICPADS2023で「Outstanding Paper Award」を受賞
データサイエンス学部の周暁康准教授と客員研究員のQiuhong Sun氏(Hebei University of Science and Technology 准教授)が12月17-21日に中国・Ocean Flower Islandで開催された国際会議IEEE ICPADS2023 (https://ieee-cybermatics.org/2023/icpads/index.php)で「Outstanding Paper Award」を受賞しました。
J. Wang, T. Lu, J. Liu, Q. Sun, L. Qi, and X. Zhou, “A Novel Gold Futures Price Prediction Model Based on PCA-AGRU,” Proc. ICPADS 2023 (The 29th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems), Hainan, China, Dec. 17-21, 2023.