
第127回 データサイエンスセミナー




Dr. Sorel Reisman
Professor Emeritus, Information Systems, CSU Fullerton IEEE Fellow & Fulbright Scholar President Emeritus, IEEE Computer Society IEEE COMPSAC Standing Committee Chair

Title: Your Evolving Career

Career development does not end when you graduate from university. Whether you pursue your profession in academia, the public sector, or business, your career evolves as you are exposed to diverse personal and workplace experiences. An essential element in your professional development is the need for both formal and informal lifelong learning (LL). Based on the speaker’s career, this session will explore dimensions of LL, not usually characterized as LL, that can help develop a rewarding and satisfying computing technology career.

Dr. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
Director, Ubicomp Lab, Marquette University IEEE COMPSAC Standing Committee Vice Chair IEEE Digital Health General Chair

Title: Towards Digital Health with Affective and Non-invasive Computing: mHealth projects

Affective computing is that branch of computing which deals with the study of emotions. The study of human emotions which includes identifying, construing and simulating them makes the core concept behind affective computing. Affective computing deals with developing such machine or computer which is not only able to recognize, interpret and process emotions but also able to make decisions according to the situation. mHealth (mobile phone based healthcare) is a reality as portable devices (cell phones, smart phones, or PDAs), sensors, and RFIDs have become a part of our everyday lives. In Ubicomp lab, we have been using affective computing in mHealth projects. In the first project, we use facial expression and energy expenditure of a person to classify a person’s affective state by continuously recording accelerometer data for energy and camera image for facial expression. In the second project, we design, develop and evaluate a mobile-based intervention designed with the aim of teaching social skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). We also aim to study the anxiety pattern of children with ASDs during a social interaction intervention. In the third project, we validate the idea of using smart phone cameras for pain assessment of breast cancer patients in a developing country. In this talk, we discuss a number of affective and non invasive computing mHealth projects.

