
《2024年7月5日》第166回 データサイエンスセミナー(講演者:Carlos A. Casanova Pietroboni 先生 題目:「Uncertainty as an asset: developing analytics in uncertain contexts」)

日時:2024年7月5日(金) 14:30 ~ 90分

場所:士魂商才館セミナールームⅡ 及び Web併用 (※対象は特に限定しない)

講演者:Carlos A. Casanova Pietroboni 先生(Assistant Professor, Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering Research Group National Technological University, Argentina)

題目: Uncertainty as an asset: developing analytics in uncertain contexts

Analytics can be defined as the scientific process of transforming data into knowledge to make better decisions. The design of such analytics is not a simple task, since they must consider aspects such as multi-criteria and multi-person decision making, the fusion of information from different sources and natures, data and information analysis, the use of sophisticated mathematical software, problem solving, the interpretation of the meaning of the information for others, etc. In this context it is necessary to consider that the data available may be incomplete, imprecise or even inconsistent, which must be taken into account in the development of analytics. Any of these forms of uncertainty must be reduced, or else incorporated, quantified and analyzed when producing information that facilitates decision making, otherwise the usefulness of the analytics would be ephemeral and would hardly justify the effort of making them. This seminar will present fundamentals for the development of analytics in decision making contexts dominated by different types of uncertainty, based on an appropriate theory for this purpose: the theory of fuzzy sets and systems. Fuzzy numbers form a rich structure that is currently not sufficiently exploited in decision making, and allow their incorporation in mathematical programming models in combination with fundamental principles of uncertainty. Illustrative application cases of these techniques in software engineering problems will also be presented.

